Is Rooster Valley Farm School the right fit for my child?
ROOSTER VALLEY FARM SCHOOL is not for everyone,
but it might be the perfect place for many children.
Consider if these philosophies are in line with your own:
Our students will be prepared for Kindergarten.
In fact, we love & care for them!
The good, the bad & the ugly
Farm and garden work sometimes requires good old-fashioned "elbow grease."
Because we use real tools and work with real animals, we require students to have a certain amount of self-control and is good at following directions.
We help each other & we learn how to be good friends.
We learn & carry out together daily jobs.
Over the course of a school year, it is likely that a child will be stepped on, scratched, pecked, barked at, knocked down, bitten, pooped on, or even licked by an animal.
We learn diligence & patience when gardening.
We get our feet muddy sometimes
Rain? No problem!
Winter fun
Art is messy sometimes
Got mud?
Eating straight from the garden
Hot days? Wet days!